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¿Eres alumno Suzuki o profesor en activo o en formación?

Desde Lazo Musical nos complace anunciaros el workshop que tendrá lugar el próximo 4 y 5 de mayo en Sevilla de la mano de Martin Rüttimann, profesor especializado en la metodología Suzuki con más de 25 años de experiencia.

¿A quién va dirigido? 

  • Alumnos de violín que estudien con profesores especializados del Método Suzuki desde Twinkle hasta el libro 4.
  • Profesores en formación o en activo del Método Suzuki.


  • Martin Rüttimann was born into a musical family where both parents were Suzuki teachers and founded one of the first Suzuki school in Switzerland. He studied the violin with Andras Santora and later with Detlef Hahn (London, Oslo), master classes with Alexandre Dubach, Franco Gulli, Prof. Spiller and Koji Toyoda.
  • In 2008 he became an ESA Suzuki teacher trainer and was appointed a teacher trainer for the ARSO (Asian Suzuki association) in 2014. Frequently asked as a guest teacher and examiner, he was teaching at workshops all over Europe as well as around Asia, South Africa and New Zealand. He was a faculty member of the 16th World Convention 2013, held in Matsumotoand in the Asian Suzuki Conferences 2014 in Taipei and 2016 in Bali and 2018 in Manila.
  • Together with a team he organized the 10th European Suzuki Convention in Davos where more than 700 children from Europe, Japan, Australia and the U.S. were gathered together.
  • Since 2005 he is the president of the Swiss Suzuki Institute. From 2011 to 2020 was appointed as Chairman of the ESA (European Suzuki Association) and is a trustee of the European Suzuki Teaching Development Trust (ESTDT). He represented the ESA on board of the International Suzuki Association (ISA), to which he served as chair from 2017-2019.

Escuela Suzuki Zürich Luzerna Basilea


El curso se desarrollará en torno a clases prácticas impartidas por Martin Rüttimann, pedagogo y especialista de la metodología Suzuki.

Los alumnos del conservatorio pueden observar dinámicas de grupo, lecciones individuales y asistir a charlas para padres sobre la metodología y el día a día en casa.


CSM Manuel Castillo, C/Baños 48, Sevilla


4 y 5 de mayo de 2024


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Rebeca González Arranz